What the heck is SEO, and why do I need to care?
SEO is about making your website as appealing as possible to Google (and other search engines) so that Google chooses to rank your website highly in its search results.
Why does SEO matter? Because websites listed in position 1-5 get 65% of the traffic.
What is it costing you to not know about SEO? If you are paying someone to do it for you, it could be costing between $300-$2000 per month. Are they doing a good job? Do you understand the reports they send you?
If you are paying for Google adds, then you know exactly what it is costing you. But did you know that only between 10%-25% of people will click on the ads? Over 70% of search engine users will not click on a paid ad. They don't trust them.
SEO is a game... Imagine playing your favourite sport, but the rules and the goal posts are continually changing. That is what SEO is. SEO is a game with moving goal posts. Well, that is what the so called experts want us to believe. They want us to believe that only those on the inside truly know how to win, and … if we give them enough money, they can ‘try’ to help us win also! (Well just as long as we keep giving them money).
But the truth is it is not that hard and that is why I created SEO Power Plant.
What will SEO Power Plant do for you?
Over the next 5 weeks you will learn and implement the 4 keys things that 95% of business owners do not know in regards to SEO. Plus...
- You will learn the top 3 mistakes most business owners make, and have the skills to fix them on your website.
- You will make a clear plan to keep your website on page 1 of Google.
- You will begin to implement what you have learnt from day 1.
- You will become dangerous to those who stand to rip you off. You will know exactly what to ask from your web designer or SEO expert to make sure they are doing a great job.
You will walk away from SEO Power Plant knowing exactly what to do to get and keep your website on page one. (with a heap of PDF worksheets to help you along the way) Plus you have access for two years to come back and watch the videos again and again.
Meet Nathan

What others are saying...
"SEO power plant is a fabulous course to do, it has taught me so much about my website and how I can make big and small changes with confidence. I have got more out of SEO Power Plant than the other marketing workshops I have been to. I love how practical the teaching is, and how the worksheets are so relevant to actually changing things on my website. I recommend this course to anybody that has a website needing to push SEO naturally. It is definitely worth the money and has actually ended up being cheaper than hiring somebody to do it for me, which would have probably ended up in them not completing the SEO correctly anyway. Definitely money well spent!!" Kate Pollard - Business owner Perth, Australia
"Here's what I didn't expect: How much better my website is actually starting to look! I have been unhappy about my site for years but wasn't sure what to change or if it even mattered. I have been to countless local workshops that claimed to offer good advice and none of it has made sense for me as a photographer. This actually makes sense and results in a website that looks great and has already generated some calls just two days into the training." Michelle Posey - Mariiposa Studio Photography - Arkansas USA.
Course curriculum
SE0 Power Plant Introduction
SEO Terminology
SEO M1 Video 1
Video 1 Worksheet
SEO M1 Video 2 - Keywords
Video 2 worksheet: Keywords
SEO M1 Video 3 - H1's & H2's
SEO M1 Video 4 - Writing Relevant Text
SEO M1 Video 5
SEO M2 Video 1
SEO M2 Video 2 - Simple Updates
SEO M2 Video 3a - Blogging
SEO M2 Video 3b
SEO M2 Video 4 - Case Studies
SEO M2 Video 5
SEO M3 Video 1
SEO M3 Video 2
PDF - SEO Module 3 Video 2 Worksheet
SEO M3 Video 3 - Optimising your photos & graphics
PDF - SEO Module 3 Video 3 Worksheets
SEO M3 Video 4
PDF - SEO Module 3 Video 4 Worksheets
SEO M3 Video 5
PDF - SEO Module 3 V5 Worksheets
SEO M3 Video 6
PDF - SEO Module 3 Video 6 Worksheets
SEO M4 Video 1
SEO M4 Video 2 - Links
PDF - SEO Module 4 Video 2 Worksheet
SEO M4 Video 3
PDF - SEO Module 4 Video 3 Worksheeets
SEO M4 Video 4
PDF - SEO Module 4 Video 4 Worksheets
SEO M4 Video 5
PDF - SEO Module 4 Video 5 worksheet
SEO M5 Video 1
SEO M5 Video 2
SEO M5 Video 3
SEO M5 Video 4
SEO M5 Video 5

About this course
- $347.00
- 40 lessons
- 5.5 hours of video content